
Anti-C3 [WM1]

Cat. #153253

Anti-C3 [WM1]

Cat. #: 153253

Sub-type: Primary antibody

Unit size: 100 ug

Availability: 10-12 weeks

Target: Human complement component 3

Class: Monoclonal

Application: Fn ; IP

Reactivity: Human

Host: Mouse


This fee is applicable only for non-profit organisations. If you are a for-profit organisation or a researcher working on commercially-sponsored academic research, you will need to contact our licensing team for a commercial use license.


Inventor: Walter Bodmer

Institute: Cancer Research UK, London Research Institute: Lincoln's Inn Fields

Tool Details
Target Details

Tool Details

*FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY (for other uses, please contact the licensing team)

  • Name: Anti-C3 [WM1]
  • Research fields: Biochemistry;Cell biology;Immunology;Neurobiology
  • Clone: WM1
  • Tool sub type: Primary antibody
  • Class: Monoclonal
  • Conjugation: Unconjugated
  • Strain: Balb/c
  • Reactivity: Human
  • Host: Mouse
  • Application: Fn ; IP
  • Description: C3 plays a central role in the activation of the complement system. Its processing by C3 convertase is the central reaction in both classical and alternative complement pathways. After activation C3b can bind covalently, via its reactive thioester, to cell surface carbohydrates or immune aggregates.Derived from proteolytic degradation of complement C3, C3a anaphylatoxin is a mediator of local inflammatory process. It induces the contraction of smooth muscle, increases vascular permeability and causes histamine release from mast cells and basophilic leukocytes.
  • Immunogen: Human complement component 3
  • Isotype: IgG1 lambda
  • Myeloma used: P3X63Ag8
  • Recommended controls: Human primary fibroblasts

Target Details

  • Target: Human complement component 3
  • Tissue cell line specificity: Human primary fibroblasts
  • Target background: C3 plays a central role in the activation of the complement system. Its processing by C3 convertase is the central reaction in both classical and alternative complement pathways. After activation C3b can bind covalently, via its reactive thioester, to cell surface carbohydrates or immune aggregates.Derived from proteolytic degradation of complement C3, C3a anaphylatoxin is a mediator of local inflammatory process. It induces the contraction of smooth muscle, increases vascular permeability and causes histamine release from mast cells and basophilic leukocytes.


  • Application: Fn ; IP


  • Format: Liquid
  • Unit size: 100 ug
  • Shipping conditions: Dry ice


  • Whitehead et al. 1981. Eur J Immunol. 11(2):140-6. PMID: 6163641.
  • A monoclonal antibody against human complement component C3: the production of C3 by human cells in vitro.