Cat. #155067
NS0-Turbodoma cell line
Cat. #: 155067
Unit size: 1x10^6 cells / vial
Availability: 8-10 weeks
Organism: Mouse
Disease: Murine myeloma
This fee is applicable only for non-profit organisations. If you are a for-profit organisation or a researcher working on commercially-sponsored academic research, you will need to contact our licensing team for a commercial use license.
Institute: Medical Research Council
Tool Details
*FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY (for other uses, please contact the licensing team)
- Name: NS0-Turbodoma cell line
- Parental cell: NS0
- Organism: Mouse
- Disease: Murine myeloma
- Growth properties: Suspension
- Description: NS0 cell line adapted to grow in the chemically defined protein- and peptide-free medium Turbodoma (Cell Culture Technologies). Cholesterol is not required as a supplement for this culture. This cell line is suitable for use as a fusion parent for serum-free generation of hybridomas.The NS0 cell line is the property of MRC. is unable to supply this cell line or derivatives of this cell line to commercial entities unless a license has been first secured from MRC, negotiated by LifeArc (formerly known as MRC Technology); requests for commercial use of this cell line will be forwarded to LifeArc.
- Cellosaurus id: CVCL_G346
- Format: Frozen
- Growth medium: Culture Medium: Turbodoma medium (Cell Culture Technologies + 2mM Glutamine. When freezing cells down use TurboDoma medium (50:50 conditioned medium:fresh medium) + 2mM Glutamine + 10% DMSO.
- Unit size: 1x10^6 cells / vial
- Shipping conditions: Dry ice