Cat. #162172
TsixTAD-KO mouse
Cat. #: 162172
Sub-type: Mouse
This fee is applicable only for non-profit organisations. If you are a for-profit organisation or a researcher working on commercially-sponsored academic research, you will need to contact our licensing team for a commercial use license.
Inventor: Edith HEARD; Rafael GALUPA; Fatima EL MARJOU; Colin JOUHANNEAU
Institute: Institut Curie
Primary Citation: Rafael Galupa 2020. Mol Cell. Jan 16;77(2):352-367.e8. PMID: 31759823.
Tool Details
*FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY (for other uses, please contact the licensing team)
- Tool name: TsixTAD-KO mouse
- Official nomenclature: B6D2Fn-Tsix-TADem2Heard/Curie
- Research fields: Genetics
- Tool sub type: Mouse
- Crispr: Yes
- Description: This line was generated in the context of studying the relationship between chromosome organisation and gene expression at the X-inactivation centre, the regulatory locus that triggers X-chromosome inactivation. It could also be used to investigate the functions of the genes that are lost within the ~245kb deletion, including the poorly characterised genes Nap1L2, Cdx4, Chic1 and Tsx, among others.
- Zygosity: Homozygous
- Strain: B6D2F1
- Shipping conditions: Sperm / dry ice
- Rafael Galupa 2020. Mol Cell. Jan 16
- 77(2):352-367.e8. PMID: 31759823.