
TOV-1946 cell line

Cat. #161770

TOV-1946 cell line

Cat. #: 161770

Organism: Human

Tissue: Derived from poorly differentiated serous solid tumors


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Inventor: Anne-Marie Mes-Masson and Diane Provencher

Institute: Centre Hospitalier de L’université de Montréal

Primary Citation: Ouellet et al. 2008. BMC Cancer. (8):152. PMID: 18507860

Tool Details

Tool Details

*FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY (for other uses, please contact the licensing team)

  • Name: TOV-1946 cell line
  • Alternate name: TOV-1946
  • Cancer: Gynaecologic cancer
  • Research fields: Cancer
  • Organism: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Tissue: Derived from poorly differentiated serous solid tumors
  • Donor: Grade 3 – Stage IIIC; Mutations: TP53 Exon 8; Pre-treatment
  • Morphology: Able to form loose aggregate of cells. Expressed Krt7
  • Growth properties: Adherent
  • Crispr: No
  • Receptors of note: No
  • Description: Epithelial ovarian cancer cell line derived from poorly differentiated serous solid tumors. Cell line was derived from solid tumor of chemotherapy naive patient who presented poorly differentiated (grade 3) serous papillary cystadenocarcinoma at stage IIC
  • Production details: Established using the Scrape method where tumor tissue was scraped into a 100mm plate with complete OSE medium and maintained for 40 days with medium replaced weekly. After 40 days, 80% confluence was attained and cells were divided intwo 2 petri dishes and further divided in a proportion of 2:3 once a week for the first 15 passages and 1:2 twice a week until passage 70. Subsequently, cells were divded in a proportion of 1:5 twice a week.
  • Additional notes: Patient 1946 had no known familial history of cancer and passed from post-operative complications


  • Growth medium: OSE medium contains 10% FBS, 0.5ug/mL amphotericin B and 50 ug/mL gentamicin
  • Atmosphere: Hypoxic condition of 5%O2 and 5%CO2
  • Cultured in antibiotics: Amphotericin B and Gentamicin


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