
NUOC-1 Cell Line

Cat. #153527

NUOC-1 Cell Line

Cat. #: 153527

Sub-type: Continuous

Unit size: 1x10^6 cells / vial

Availability: 8-10 weeks

Organism: Human

Tissue: Ovary

Disease: Cancer

Model: Cancer Model


This fee is applicable only for non-profit organisations. If you are a for-profit organisation or a researcher working on commercially-sponsored academic research, you will need to contact our licensing team for a commercial use license.


Inventor: Richard Edmondson

Institute: Northern Institute For Cancer Research, Newcastle University

Tool Details
Target Details

Tool Details

*FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY (for other uses, please contact the licensing team)

  • Name: NUOC-1 Cell Line
  • Alternate name: HGSC, high grade mixed ovarian cancer, epithelial ovarian cancer
  • Cancer: Gynaecologic cancer
  • Cancers detailed: High Grade Ovarian
  • Research fields: Cancer;Drug development
  • Tool sub type: Continuous
  • Parental cell: Ascites of chemotherapy naive patient
  • Organism: Human
  • Tissue: Ovary
  • Disease: Cancer
  • Growth properties: Doubling time approximately 58 hours
  • Model: Cancer Model
  • Conditional: No
  • Description: Epithelial ovarian cancer is diagnosed at late disease stage in more than 70% of patients. Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of gynaecological cancer mortality worldwide with a 5-year overall survival of 3039%. It has long been recognised by clinicians that ovarian cancer is a set of heterogeneous diseases. NUOC-1 cell line represents a novel ovarian cancer cell line derived from the ascites of a chemotherapy nave patient with a primary mixed endometrioid/ clear cell/ high grade serous ovarian cancer. NUOC-1 cells grow as an adherent monolayer. The cells are TP53 wildtype, positive for PTEN, HER2 and HER3 expression but negative for oestrogen, progesterone and androgen receptor expression. NUOC-1 cells are competent in homologous recombination and non-homologous end joining, but base excision repair defective. Karyotype analysis demonstrated a complex tetraploid karyotype
  • Production details: Ascites were collected from patients undergoing surgery for ovarian cancer. 20 ml of ascites was added to 20 ml of warmed culture medium in T75 flask, and incubated at 37Â?‚°C, 5% CO2, 95% humidified air. The medium was aspirated and 13 ml of warmed fresh medium was replaced on day 3 to 5. The medium was replaced every 4 to 5 days until the cells approached confluence
  • Biosafety level: 1

Target Details

  • Target: Ovarian cancer


  • Application notes: NUOC-1 cells grow as an adherent monolayer. The cells are TP53 wildtype, positive for PTEN, HER2 and HER3 expression but negative for oestrogen, progesterone and androgen receptor expression. NUOC-1 cells are competent in homologous recombination and non-homologous end joining, but base excision repair defective. Karyotype analysis demonstrated a complex tetraploid karyotype


  • Format: Frozen
  • Growth medium: RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 20% FCS, 20 mM L-glutamine and 1% penicillin and streptomycin
  • Unit size: 1x10^6 cells / vial
  • Shipping conditions: Dry ice
  • Storage conditions: Liquid Nitrogen
  • Mycoplasma free: Yes


  • McCormick et al. 2017. Oncotarget. 8(16):26832-26844. PMID: 28460465.
  • Functional characterisation of a novel ovarian cancer cell line, NUOC-1.