Cat. #154234
2C4-Gamma2A cell line
Cat. #: 154234
Sub-type: Continuous
Unit size: 1x10^6 cells / vial
Availability: 3-4 weeks
Organism: Human
Disease: Cancer
Model: Mutant
This fee is applicable only for non-profit organisations. If you are a for-profit organisation or a researcher working on commercially-sponsored academic research, you will need to contact our licensing team for a commercial use license.
Inventor: George Stark ; Ian Kerr
Institute: Cancer Research UK, London Research Institute: Lincoln's Inn Fields
Tool Details
*FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY (for other uses, please contact the licensing team)
- Name: 2C4-Gamma2A cell line
- Cancer: Sarcoma
- Cancers detailed: Fibrosarcoma
- Research fields: Cell signaling and signal transduction;Genetics;Immunology
- Tool sub type: Continuous
- Parental cell: 2C4 cell line (a derivative of HT 1080 cell line)
- Organism: Human
- Disease: Cancer
- Model: Mutant
- Description: Mutant gamma2A cells retain a wild-type interferon (IFN)-alpha/beta response (e.g., class I HLA Binding of IFN-gamma to gamma2A cells is normal), but the cells lack detectable JAK2 mRNA and protein and are completely defective in all aspects of the IFN-gamma response. More specifically, they are defective in IFN-gamma inducible activation of the JAK/STAT pathway, gene expression, and an antiviral state with respect to encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus. In all cases, JAK2 (but not JAK1 or Tyk2 ...
- Production details: The 2C4-gamma2A cell line is a derivative of the 2C4 cell line which is a clonal derivative of the human fibrosarcoma cell line HT 1080. The 2C4 cell line clone expresses the simple cell-surface marker CD2 (normally expressed only on T cells) under the control of the 9-27 gene promoter. The 9-27 gene promoter is inducible by interferon gamma; fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis was used to screen cells for loss or gain of interferon gamma inducibility of CD2 expression. Cell li...
- Biosafety level: 1
- Recommended controls: 2C4 parental line
Target Details
- Target: Interferon gamma; JAK2
- Format: Frozen
- Growth medium: DMEM + 10% heat-inactivated FBS + 400ug G418 per ml
- Unit size: 1x10^6 cells / vial
- Shipping conditions: Dry ice
- Storage conditions: Liquid Nitrogen
- Mycoplasma free: Yes
Related Tools
- Related tools: Gamma2A Jak2 Cell Line ; 2C4 cell line
- Kohlhuber et al. 1997. Mol Cell Biol. 17(2):695-706. PMID: 9001223.
- A JAK1/JAK2 chimera can sustain alpha and gamma interferon responses.
- Watling et al. 1993. Nature. 366(6451):166-70. PMID: 7901766.
- Complementation by the protein tyrosine kinase JAK2 of a mutant cell line defective in the interferon-gamma signal transduction pathway.