Cat. #162287
HSF1 and HSF2 KO H1299 cell line
Cat. #: 162287
Organism: Human
Tissue: Lung
Disease: Cancer
Model: Transgenic (KO)
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Inventor: Petr Muller
Institute: Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute
Primary Citation: Simoncik et al., 2024 PLoS ONE 19(11): e0312524
Tool Details
*FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY (for other uses, please contact the licensing team)
- Name: HSF1 and HSF2 KO H1299 cell line
- Parental cell: H1299
- Clone: E7-H6
- Organism: Human
- Gender: Male
- Tissue: Lung
- Donor: 43 years old, white
- Disease: Cancer
- Morphology: Epithelial
- Growth properties: Adherent
- Model: Transgenic (KO)
- Model description: CRISPR Cas9 abolished expression of Heat Shock Transcription Factor 1 (HSF1) and Heat Shock Transcription Factor 2 (HSF2)
- Crispr: Yes
- Description: H1299 cell line derivative with CRISPR Cas9 abolished expression of Heat Shock Transcription Factor 1 (HSF1) and Heat Shock Transcription Factor 2 (HSF2) used to study the roles of HSF1 and HSF2 in a stress response context
- Application: Cell culture
Target Details
- Target: HSF1 and HSF2
- Target background: HSF1 is the main mediator of the stress response located in the cell nucleus, and is also involved in non-stress regulation, such as metabolism and development. HSF2 is another member of the stress response proteins and unlike HSF1, is found predominantly in the cytoplasm.
- Application: Cell culture
- Format: Frozen
- Atmosphere: humidified CO2 atmosphere
- Storage conditions: Liquid Nitrogen
- Cultured in antibiotics: Yes, penicillin/streptomycin
- Simoncik et al., 2024 PLoS ONE 19(11): e0312524