Showing results for lykkesfeldt t47d 153247 153246 152701 152596 151503 152597 151014 153247 155271 155271 15576 15576 152090 152090 153247 153246 152701 152596 151503 152597 151014 t47d 153247 153246 152701 152596 151503 152597 151014 153247 155271 155271 15576 15576 152090 152090 153247 153246 152701 152596 151503 152597 151014 153247 153246 152701 152596 151503 152597 151014 153247 155271 155271 15576 15576 152090 152090 153247 153246 152701 152596 151503 152597 151014

Adapted from Larsen et al. 2015. PLoS One. 10(2)

T47D/S2 Cell Line Product

This is the control cell line for the tamoxifen resistant T47D/TR-1 and T47D/TR-2.

Adapted from Larsen et al. 2015. PLoS One. 10(2)

T47D-182R-1 Cell Line Product

The T47D-182R-1 cell line is an adherent breast cancer cell line resistant to fulvestrant (Faslodex). It is derived from the human breast cancer cell line – T47D/S5 by long term […]

Adapted from Larsen et al. 2015. PLoS One. 10(2)

T47D/TR-1 Cell Line Product

The T47D/TR-1 Cell line is a breast cancer cell line resistant to tamoxifen. This cell line allows the study of the mechanisms involved in tamoxifen resistant breast cancer cell growth.

Representative pictures of parental (T47D/S2 and T47D/S5); tamoxifen (TR-1 and TR-1) and fulvestrant (182R-1 and 182R-2) resistant cell lines treated for five days with dasatinib (1 ?M) or DMSO (control). Published in Larsen et al. 2015. PLoS One. 10(2)

T47D-182R2 Cell Line Product

The T47D-182R2 Cell Line is a breast cancer cell line resistant to fulvestrant. Treatment with the steroidal antiestrogen fulvestrant has proven effective upon progression on tamoxifen therapy and is now […]