Cat. #156511
dtUD1 vector
Cat. #: 156511
Sub-type: pETSU vector containing an untagged yeast SUMO sequence
Availability: 3-4 weeks
Target: A dual tagged clone of the catalytic domain (dtUD1) of the S. cerevisiae SUMO hydrolase. The recombinant protease has an amino terminal Strep-II tag and a carboxy terminal His6 tag.
Bacterial Resistance: Ampicillin
This fee is applicable only for non-profit organisations. If you are a for-profit organisation or a researcher working on commercially-sponsored academic research, you will need to contact our licensing team for a commercial use license.
Inventor: Dr. Patrick Loll
Institute: Drexel University
Tool Details
*FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY (for other uses, please contact the licensing team)
- Tool name: dtUD1 vector
- Research fields: Other
- Tool sub type: pETSU vector containing an untagged yeast SUMO sequence
- Bacterial resistance: Ampicillin
- Description: Affinity-tagged small ubiquitin related modifier (SUMO) fusion proteins generated by the cloning vectors: pETHSUL, pETS2SUL, pASHSUL, or pASS2SUL are treated with recombinant SUMO protease, generated from the pdtUD1 vector, to cleave SUMO and yield the mature target protein. Instructions for vector expression, purification, and use are outlined in: Weeks, S. D., Drinker, M., & Loll, P. J. (2007). Ligation independent cloning vectors for expression of SUMO fusions. Protein expression and purification, 53(1), 40ÄËĂÂĂÂ50. doi:10.1016/j.pep.2006.12.006 Protein Purification; Protein Biochemistry
- Additional notes: The pdtUD1 vector allows the production of recombinant UD1 domain of the S. cerevisiae Ulp1 protein (small ubiquitin related modifier (SUMO) protease). The UD1 domain retains the full SUMO-specific proteolytic activity. The recombinant protease has an amino terminal Strep-II tag and a carboxy terminal His6 tag to allow for easy purification of the recombinant protease. The dual tags also allow the protease to be removed after cleavage of the SUMO fusion protein generated by the cloning vectors: pETHSUL, pETS2SUL, pASHSUL, or pASS2SUL, by using subtractive affinity chromatography.
Target Details
- Target: A dual tagged clone of the catalytic domain (dtUD1) of the S. cerevisiae SUMO hydrolase. The recombinant protease has an amino terminal Strep-II tag and a carboxy terminal His6 tag.
Application Details
- Application notes: Affinity-tagged small ubiquitin related modifier (SUMO) fusion proteins generated by the cloning vectors: pETHSUL, pETS2SUL, pASHSUL, or pASS2SUL are treated with recombinant SUMO protease, generated from the pdtUD1 vector, to cleave SUMO and yield the mature target protein. Instructions for vector expression, purification, and use are outlined in: Weeks, S. D., Drinker, M., & Loll, P. J. (2007). Ligation independent cloning vectors for expression of SUMO fusions. Protein expression and purification, 53(1), 40–50. doi:10.1016/j.pep.2006.12.006 Protein Purification; Protein Biochemistry
- Weeks et al. 2007. Protein Expr Purif. 53(1):40-50. PMID: 17251035.