Cat. #154034
StarD5 Knock-out Mouse
Cat. #: 154034
Sub-type: Mouse
Availability: 6-8 weeks
Disease: Heart disease
Model: Knock-Out
This fee is applicable only for non-profit organisations. If you are a for-profit organisation or a researcher working on commercially-sponsored academic research, you will need to contact our licensing team for a commercial use license.
Inventor: Gregorio Gil
Institute: Virginia Commonwealth University
Tool Details
*FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY (for other uses, please contact the licensing team)
- Tool name: StarD5 Knock-out Mouse
- Research fields: Drug development;Tissue-specific biology
- Tool sub type: Mouse
- Disease: Heart disease
- Model: Knock-Out
- Description: StarD5 protein is knocked out in the entire mouse to study the effects of disrupting pathways associated with cholesterol and resultant pathological conditions.
- Production details: The StarD5 knock-out mouse was produced by designing a guide RNA to create a double-strand cleavage upstream of the ATG start site. Pups were obtained, screened and sequenced. Heterozygous male and female mice were crossed to generate homozygous StarD5 knock-out mice.
Target Details
- Target: StarD5