Cat. #160741
iPSC control for BRCA1-associated cancer model cell line (2040)
Cat. #: 160741
Unit size: 1x10^6 cells / vial
Organism: Human
Tissue: Fibroblast
Disease: Hereditary breast cancer
Model: Cancer Model
This fee is applicable only for non-profit organisations. If you are a for-profit organisation or a researcher working on commercially-sponsored academic research, you will need to contact our licensing team for a commercial use license.
Inventor: Maria Carmo-Fonseca ; Sim?Âo Teixeira da Rocha
Institute: Instituto de Medicina Molecular Jo?Âo Lobo Antunes
Tool Details
*FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY (for other uses, please contact the licensing team)
- Name: iPSC control for BRCA1-associated cancer model cell line (2040)
- Alternate name: iPSCs control 24 ÄË?Â? clones 6 and 8 (IBBISTi2-A and IBBISTi2-B)
- Research fields: Cancer;Genetics;Stem cell biology
- Parental cell: Human fibroblasts
- Organism: Human
- Tissue: Fibroblast
- Disease: Hereditary breast cancer
- Model: Cancer Model
- Conditional: No
- Description: Control for BRCA1-associated cancer model. Investigation of tissue-specific stem/progenitor cells that represent the cells of origin of BRCA1-associated tumours, modelling early phases of malignant transformation and development of drug screening strategies aiming at preventing BRCA1 mutant hereditary cancers.
- Production details: Reprogramming of human induced pluripotent stem cells from skin biopsy of a familiar female healthy donor.
- Recommended controls: Yes, this cell line can be used as a familiar healthy control for BRCA1 c.3612delA iPSC line (2042).
Target Details
- Target: Healthy control
- Format: Frozen
- Growth medium: Cells are cultured on MatrigelTM (Corning)-coated plates with mTeSRTMPlus Medium (StemCell Technologies). Medium is changed daily. Cells are passaged every 3ÄË?Â?Â4 days (when the colonies covered approximately 85% of the surface area of the culture dish) using 0.5 mM EDTA dissociation buffer (Life Technologies). Cells are incubated at 37 ÄË?ÂÄÂC in a humidified 5% CO2 incubator
- Unit size: 1x10^6 cells / vial
- Shipping conditions: Dry ice