Cat. #157783
Sox10iCre/+; Myrffl/fl mouse
Cat. #: 157783
Sub-type: Mouse
Availability: 8-10 weeks
Disease: Tamoxifen activated inactivation of Myrf for demyelination of throughout the CNS
Model: Conditional KO
This fee is applicable only for non-profit organisations. If you are a for-profit organisation or a researcher working on commercially-sponsored academic research, you will need to contact our licensing team for a commercial use license.
Inventor: Ben Emery
Institute: Oregon Health & Science University
Tool Details
*FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY (for other uses, please contact the licensing team)
- Tool name: Sox10iCre/+; Myrffl/fl mouse
- Research fields: Neurobiology
- Tool sub type: Mouse
- Disease: Tamoxifen activated inactivation of Myrf for demyelination of throughout the CNS
- Model: Conditional KO
- Conditional: Yes
- Conditional description: inducible demyelination without remyelination
- Description: Deymelination restricted to CNS & lack of remyelination.
- Genetic background: MyrfFl/Fl mouse line crossed with a Sox10-CreERT transgenic line expressing tomoxifen inducible Cre recombinase in the oligodendrocyte lineage.
- Phenotype: Demyelination of CNS
- Strain: C57BL/6
- Breeding information: Sox10iCre/+;MyrfFl/Fl mouse line can be bred with Sox10+/+;MyrfFl/Fl mice where 50% offspring will be Sox10iCre/+.
- Shipping conditions: Embryo/Spermatoza- Dry Ice
Target Details
- Target: Myrf (myelin regulatory factor)
- 30996143 19596243
- McKenzie et al. 2014. Science. 346(6207):318-22. PMID: 25324381.
- Koenning et al. 2012. J Neurosci. 32(36):12528-42. PMID: 22956843.