Cat. #151566
LSLBRafD594A Mouse
Cat. #: 151566
Sub-type: Mouse
Availability: 6-8 weeks
Disease: Cancer
This fee is applicable only for non-profit organisations. If you are a for-profit organisation or a researcher working on commercially-sponsored academic research, you will need to contact our licensing team for a commercial use license.
Inventor: Catrin Pritchard
Institute: University of Leicester
Tool Details
*FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY (for other uses, please contact the licensing team)
- Tool name: LSLBRafD594A Mouse
- Cancer: Skin cancer
- Cancers detailed: Malignant Melanoma
- Research fields: Cancer;Genetics
- Tool sub type: Mouse
- Disease: Cancer
- Conditional: Yes
- Conditional description: Cre-lox
- Description: Mimics the expression of D594ABRAF in human cancer samples. In conjunction with oncogenic G12DKRAS, this mutant induces the development of highly aggressive malignant melanomas. Conditional knockin (Cre-lox) D594A mutation of BRaf
- Genetic background: A transgenic vector was generated and used to modify the endogenous gene in E14.1a embryonic stem cells by homologous recombination. Targeted ES cells were microinjected into C57BL6 blastocysts and chimaeras were derived. These were bred to C57BL6 mice to obtain germline transmission, from which a colony of heterozygous LSL-BrafD594A mice on the C57BL6 background were derived.
- Phenotype: Progressive aneuploidy
- Production details: A transgenic vector was generated and used to modify the endogenous gene in E14.1a embryonic stem cells by homologous recombination. Targeted ES cells were microinjected into C57BL6 blastocysts and chimaeras were derived. These were bred to C57BL6 mice to obtain germline transmission, from which a colony of heterozygous LSL-BrafD594A mice on the C57BL6 background were derived.
- Shipping conditions: Embryo/Spermatoza- Dry Ice
Target Details
- Target: Mouse BRAF
- Heidorn et al. 2010. Cell. 140(2):209-21. PMID: 20141835.
- Kinase-dead BRAF and oncogenic RAS cooperate to drive tumor progression through CRAF.