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Fukushima Medical University aims to accelerate cancer research by contributing their human gene-overexpressing cell lines to the initiative

The Fukushima Medical University (FMU) and Summit Pharmaceuticals (SPI) are existing partners of who have previously contributed a unique and diverse organoid portfolio to the initiative (read the announcement here).  Further strengthening this collaboration, Fukushima Medical University (FMU) and Summit Pharmaceuticals International (SPI)  have now generously made their human gene-overexpressing cell lines available to the global cancer research tools community by  contributing them to the initiative.

The cell lines are non–tumorigenic immortalised breast epithelial cells (MCF 10A) whose proliferation depends on epidermal growth factor and which stably express mutant cancer-related genes. The cell lines represent experimental models that can be used in cell-based assays for evaluating the efficacy of anticancer agents, including molecule-targeted drugs and mutant-selective inhibitors, drug discovery, high throughput screenings and functional analyses of the mutated genes [1-2].

Progress in cancer research has always been dependent on the generosity and willingness of scientists to make their rare and unique materials accessible to their colleagues. Scientists globally will now be able to access these cell lines from FMU for use them as assay systems for anticancer agents’ evaluation and drug discovery.

As part of this partnership, will work with FMU and their technology transfer partner Summit Pharmaceuticals International (SPI) to bring the production of these cell lines in-house and manage quality control and global distribution.

About / Cancer Research UK, the research tools arm of CRUK, is a non-profit, global community of cancer researchers, academic institutes and societies, with a shared mission to accelerate cancer research. In this collaborative, researchers contribute research tools and share knowledge to deepen our understanding of cancer, and drive innovation within cancer research.
Cancer Research UK (CRUK) is the world’s leading charity dedicated to beating cancer through research. It invests more than £400 million annually into cancer research through funding schemes, conferences, initiatives, resources, and a UK-wide network of research infrastructure across basic, translational, clinical and population research.

About Fukushima Medical University

Fukushima Medical University was established for the purpose of educating and fostering medical education of people who contribute to the health, medical care and welfare of people in Fukushima Prefecture. At the same time, as a research institute, it has an important mission of asking the world about the results of constant research.
After the Great East Japan Earthquake and the nuclear power plant accident in 2011, the government quickly supported the resurgence of Fukushima from the perspective of medical care and health, and it has accelerated its activities in cooperation with medical institutions and research institutions around the world. As part of its activities, FMU established the Industry for Medical-Industrial Translational Research in 2012. By bridging the medical community and industry, FMU provides multifaceted support for the development of new drugs, diagnostic reagents and test reagents for cancer-based diseases.
Through these efforts, FMU is contributing to the creation, clustering and employment of pharmaceutical-related industries in Fukushima Prefecture, as well as contributing to the improvement of the quality of cancer treatment and diagnosis within Fukushima Prefecture to maintain and improve the health of the prefectural population.
For more information, visit

About Summit Pharmaceuticals International

SPI is a company that provides support for everything from research and development to manufacturing and sales of pharmaceuticals. They offer cutting edge technology and products from all over the world to the domestic pharmaceutical industry in Japan.
For more information, visit

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